2010 Ford Ranger XLT

4.0L V6 SOHC NO ACCIDENTS NOT A RENTAL ONE OWNER And SPORT . Hold on to your seats Best color If you ve been hunting for the perfect 2010 Ford Ranger then stop your search right here. This is the ultimate high reliability truck that is guaranteed to dazzle you with its condition. J.D. Power and Associates gave the 2010 Ranger 4 out of 5 Power Circles for Overall Initial Quality. Needing only gas and the normal oil change from time to time your local mechanic may finally forget your first name. Give Pat Larisey a call at 630-442-0234 to confirm availability and any questions. Talk to you soon. We use third party software to ensure that we have the most competitive prices on the web so you don t have to worry that you got the best deal River View Ford is your Ford Elite award winning dealer. It is an award given to a small percentage dealers nationwide with the highest levels in customer service.



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