47541 Layla - Female Beagle Mix

We welcome you to our shelter to view and interact with our pets. Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have. If you are interested in adopting one of our pets and have any questions before visiting our shelter please call -----X and press 0 and the receptionist will be happy to assist you.About 4 months old and weigh about 9-13 pounds. Adoption fees are as follows Puppies (up to 6months) 135 10.75 for OH tags Dogs (7 months 5 yrs)- 125 10.75 for OH tags Seniors (6 years plus) 115 10.75 for OH tags Cell Dogs 150- 200 10.75 for OH tags Beagles 1-4 years 75 10.75 for OH tags Beagles 5 years and older 50 10.75 for OH tags Our adoption fee includes Micro-chipping spay neuter surgery a multi-vaccine and worming. If the pup is old enough and the dogs it will also get a rabies vaccine and heart worm tested. Sponsored dogs will have their adoption fees reduced by the sponsored amount. Occasionally we have a highly adoptable dog or a dog that has had more extensive medical cost that may be priced slightly higher to offset the price reductions for some of the lesser adoptable dogs or extra medical cost All of our dogs puppies are spayed neutered before going home. If you choose a dog pup that has not had their surgery yet it is still available for adoption deposit but it must stay till it s surgery is competed on the next available surgery slot. We do work with approved rescues as well. If you are traveling to adopt please check to see if the pup or dog is ready to travel. If you are interested in adopting one of our pets and have any questions before visiting our shelter please call -----X and press 0 and the receptionist will be happy to assist you. Our hours are M-F 10-5 30 Sa t 10-4. Rescues please contact Charity Stevens at the same number using ext 107. Please stop for a visit in person or if you are interested in adopting one of our pets and have any questions before visiting our shelter please call -----X and press 0 and the receptionist will be happy to assist you. . Hours 10-5 30 Monday-Friday 10-4 on Saturday and closed on Sundays. Hours may vary for holidays.... More Info



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