Kajwa Mahotsav

Kajwa Mahotsav Those who have already experienced this Kajwa Mahotsav they can only say Kajwa Mahotsav is not about the night of light but it is - Thousands of fireflies and Millions of Memories.Every year Kajwa Mahotsav is organized and the Deccan Travel Corporation is a pioneer in Kajwa Mahotsav tours from last many years when these tours were unknown to the people. DTC is working from last many years. And they are best to provide accommodation services with tribal food and guide services tenting accommodation etc for the urban tourists who want to stay in nature and want to explore the rural life.These Kajwa Mahotsav tours include tours like Full day tour Half day tour Night Stay tour etc. DTC provide you following services within these tour packages.Full Day tours Breakfast Tribal lunch Hi-Tea and Tribal Dinner with AC vehicle on SIC basis and Guide. Half Day Tours - Hi-Tea and Dinner with AC vehicle on SIC basis and Guide. Night Stay Tours- Stay in Resort tents as required Hi-Tea Dinner Guide and AC Vehicle if required. You can contact us about Kajwa Mahotsav. So come and enjoy the night of light and Let discover the millions of glittering stars on earth at Bhandardara.For Booking Call Now 91 9923 316 774More Details Visit us www.kajwamahotsav.in



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