FARAH - Female Labrador RetrieverHound (Unknown Type) Mix

Meet Farah A dainty and beautiful senior lady who is looking for a loving home. She was found as a stray with ID on 9 17 16 but unfortunately her family could not be bothered to come pick her up. So poor Farah is looking for someone she can truly count on someone who will give her the love and loyalty she will give them. Farah is about 10 years old and weighs 32 lbs. She is sweet and quiet and just a lovely girl. She is current on her vaccines and upon adoption will be spayed (if the vet deems it safe) heartworm tested and micro chipped. Farah s ID is 588986 and can be found in cage 302 in the puppy small dog room. When calling the shelter about a cat or dog please use THE ID NUMBER the names are oftentimes made up by volunteers. This beautiful pet and many others need a forever loving home and are available for adoption from the Cobb County Animal Shelter.1060 Al Bishop Drive Marietta Georgia 30008 call (770) ---X for more information. Our Shelter hours for Adoptions are Tuesday - Saturday 9 30 a.m. to 5 30 p.m. and Sundays 2 00 p.m. to 5 00 p.m. CLOSED Mondays and Holidays.... More Info



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