Picasso - Male Schnauzer (Miniature)Poodle (Miniature) Mix

Picasso is an approximately 3 year old SCHNOODLE ( schnauzer Poodle mix )and weighs 11 lbs.He was impounded by animal control as a stray.He is wonderful with kids people and other animals.He is almost housebroken but still marks his territory till gets settled in.He is an absolute sweet heart and would love an active family who will take him on regular walks where he can explore and get his mental stimulation.He loves to snuggle up but also needs his exercise time on a daily basis.If you are interested in meeting PICASSO please send us a message in order to receive an application. His adoption fee is 350 which includes all his vaccines heartworm test neuter and micro chip.We are only able to meet with pre approved adopters by appointment since our organization is operating on foster homes only. We do not have a shelter available to the public.... More Info



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