Meri - Female DachshundChihuahua Mix

Female 1 yr old Doxie and Chihuahua mix (not sure of the exact breed mix) Red and Black in color housetrained. Meri is loving and friendly but shy and needs time to get to know you. She is good with other dogs. She is not a barker. Due to her shyness we do not recommend her for homes with children under the age of 8 yrs old. Adoption fee is 150. All dogs and puppies are in good health spayed neutered AVID microchipped up-to-date on vaccines dewormed and have on Advantage or Frontline (flea and tick protection) before they are placed up for adoption. Please go to our website at -.-------.- and click on the Adopting A Pet tab for more information about adopting a puppy dog from our organization. If you are interested in meeting adopting Meri email us at -----(at)---Meri Dachshund & Chihuahua Mix has been shared from Shelter Exchange.... More Info



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