Standard Poodle Puppies

AKC St. Poodle puppies. Loving playful highly intelligent and beautiful fur babies waiting for their furever loving families. One of the traits we make sure we breed for is personality.... And boy do these babies ever have personality They are clowns and will keep you in stitches. We are a small hobby breeder and have been breeding for about 12 years. We are passionate about Standard Poodles and that is all we have ever bred. These babies have really long ear leathers short backs and long legs. They have excellent confirmation and most could enter the show ring and do exceptionally well. There have been many puppies from these lines that have championshipped out. We do breed-specific Health testing. Mother father and grandparents are all on site. These babies will b a huge loving addition to any family. They make excellent family dogs guard dogs therapy dogs service dogs and hunting dogs but most of all best friends They will come with a collar leash toy a small bag of food. Homes will be inspected and puppy contract signed. They will be up to date on worming s and shots. Their tails have been docked and dew claws done. They come with a lifetime a friendship and advice from the breeder. These are our babies and we put a lot of time and loving energy into them. We want to make sure that they go to the right home. Someplace safe and secure I can handle their needs. They are not a dog to be left alone for hours on end. They crave human companionship. So if you work 13 hour days this is not a good dog for you. I love talking about my baby s so don t hesitate to call Landon or Sandie if you have any questions. 479-252-8483 or 8918



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