Find the Guinea Pig Toys - Tasty Treat Bag

Tasty Treat Bags provide a healthy and enriching activity for your furry friends Packed with three types of fresh hay munchable treats and sprinkled with a variety of edible herbs. Your piggies will love foraging and exploring this tasty treat.100% safe to chew. Help keep your piggies incisors and back teeth worn down as they gnaw and chew on these tasty treats.Enhance your piggy s life with enriching playtime activities. Treat bags are the perfect Guinea Pig Toys great for use both in and out of the cage. Place in areas your piggy likes to chew to provide a fun and tasty distraction.This is a fun and simple foraging toy for small pets that helps to encourage exercise & activity. Ideal for rabbits chinchillas hamsters gerbils and pet rats as well as guinea pigs of course For More details Please Visit Website s Availability Discount Available



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