New EU2200i Honda Generators SALE

Brand new in the box - 3 year manufacturer warranty Call for pricing and availability on the quietest Honda Generators EU Series Lomita Mower & Saw Shop 2344 Lomita Blvd. Lomita CA 90717 Weekdays 7am - 5pm Saturdays 7am - 2pm EU2200i & EU2200i Companion 2200 watts 18.3A 120VIdeal for TV DVD satellite fridge coffee pot and moreSuper quiet - like a conversationLightweight - less than 47 lbs Fuel efficient - up to 8.1 hrs on 0.95 gal of gasInverter - stable power for computers & sensitive equipmentGreat for RV applicationsCompanion model Built in 30A outlet for easy parallel capability with another EU2200i honda generator honda generators inverter inverters super quiet ultra quiet quietest low noise eu1000i eu2000i companion eu3000is eu3000i handi eu6500is eu1000 eu2000 eu3000 eu6500 eu 1000i eu 2000i eu 3000is eu 3000i handi eu 6500is eu7000is eu7000 is eu 7000is eu 7000 is electronic fuel injection efi yamaha eu2200i eu2200 i eu 2200i eu 2200 i



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