Logistics Project Engineer

s www.globalchannelmanagement.com jobopeningsjobs(at)globalchannelmanagement.co m Logistics Project Engineer 7-10 Years experienceLogistics Project Engineer requires PLC Programming (moderate) Machine software integration (expert) Mechanical integration (moderate) Good computer skills including Excel and Word Data entry and retrieval skills familiarity with UPS FedEx software Good communication skills both verbal and written Excellent time management decision making planning and organizational skills General knowledge skills in the area of logistics management Strong attention to detail thorough Ability to understand and follow directions meet schedules and ensure work is completed as assigned Observes and follows all safety rules and regulations (OSHA) Dependable Take initiative and be proactive looking for ways to improve the business Logistics Project Engineer duties Responsible for providing ongoing distribution and brand support to retail brands and distribution management regarding system setup issues and resolutions database cleanup new location additions and all other administrative requests or the distribution finance or transportation manager. Responsible for responding to needs and requests of distribution manager with a sense of urgency. Includes inquiries and issues in database setup and general questions. Triage and escalate database issues Database cleanup and management Participate in ongoing training process improvement evaluations and projects



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