I m a working artist with plenty of my own art for sale. Recently a friend of mine who had an ederly art collector uncle pass brought me all of his collection paintings & prints going back to the 1950 s & 60 s. There s even a SIGNED PICASSO pictograph among them. Also 2 Elsie Gerald paintings of Trees in Delphi Greece done in 1986 before she became the famous published poet a bunch of Norman Rockwell prints which I m guessing came out of magazines like Time or Life framed wine posters that were popular in the 70 s a bunch of posters for the Paseo Arts Festivals dating back to 1979 and other odds & ends. Too many items to post pics you have to see these for yourself. BEST CASH OFFER for any all. Call for appointment to view these items at 405-738-4640. Half the time I can t get to my emails so you re better off calling and I don t usually reply to texts from unknown s. I live at Rockwell Terrace Apartments on Rockwell & Melrose.



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