Child caregiver - private home

Job posting date Jan 25 2019Advertise until June 25 2019Days to be posted 120 daysVacancies 1Terms of employment Permanent Full Time DayJob start date As Soon as PossibleSalary 14.00 HourHours 30 Hours WeekEmployment groups Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Job requirementsLanguages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience 1 year to less than 2 yearsSecurity and Safety Child abuse registry check Criminal record checkTransportation Travel Information Public transportation is availableWork Site Environment Non-smokingPersonal Suitability Flexibility ReliabilityAdditional Skills Assume full responsibility for household in absence of parents Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties Shop for food and household supplies Travel with family on trips and assist with child supervision and housekeeping duties Wash iron and press clothing and household linensChildren s Ages Kindergarten age (4 - 5 years)Specific Skills Bathe dress and feed infants and children Prepare infants and children for rest periods Maintain a safe and healthy environment in the home Take children to and from school and to appointments Organize activities such as games and outings for children Prepare and serve nutritious meals Supervise and care for childrenWork Setting Employer s homeCredentials (certificates licences memberships courses etc.) First Aid CertificateHow to apply By email info(at)procareimmigration.comIntended job posting audience Anyone who can legally work in Canada can apply for this job. If you are not currently authorized to work in Canada the employer will not consider your job application.Employer J Keller



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