Buy Stunning LED Flush Mount Ceiling Light at best price

The modernized world needs modern lighting and to make this happen LEDMyplace brings for you LED Flush Mount Ceiling Lights designed in stunning way that will make your indoors looks stunning. LED Flush Mount Ceiling Lights offers you switchable color temperature from 3000K to 5000K with lumens output up to 1700 lm. This LED Flush Mount Ceiling Lights is having a dimmable feature which leads you to control the brightness according to your needs and it can reinstate you old (MH) metal-halide fixture up to 65 watt. And if you re having a low ceiling then these lights will be the best choice available. Here are some features of LED Flush Mount Ceiling Lights Available in 11 inch 12 inch and 14 inch Switchable CCT- 3000K to 5000K Rebate-eligible Dimmable Lumens- 1700 lm UL & ETL Listed Energy-Star-Certified 50 000 hours life expectancy 5-Years manufacturer warranty 30-Days return policy Free-Shipping on 99 LEDMyplace offers variants design of to choose from like- Single Ring Double Ring and Mushroom design. So ready to make your place look stunning contact our customer expert on (888-972-6211).



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