Data Entry Clerk Administrative Assistant

Top Compensation for the right candidateHiring a self-starter with excellent computer skills who knows how to take initiative and get things done. If this sounds like you Wesfarmers Conglomerate Company Wesfarmers is a leading Australian listed company. The focus of our diverse operations is to provide a satisfactory return to our shareholders. wants to hire you immediately. Full-time Administrative Assistant Data Entry position right in the Englewood area.For Administrative Assistant Applicants should have A minimum of 2 years work experience in a professional office environment intermediate to advanced working knowledge in MS Word & Excel proficient at 10 key good organizational and communication skills. The team player we are looking for must show attention to detail. If you want to make a meaningful contribution in the workplace this is the perfect position for you. Minimum Qualifications For Data Entry Applicants High School Diploma or Equivalent Typically No Relevant Experience RequiredPreferred Qualifications For Data Entry Applicants Data entryWhat Are Our Desired Skills and Capabilities for all Data Entry Applicant Skills Knowledge - Acquires and applies job skills and learns company policies and procedures to complete assigned routine tasks. Job Complexity - Works on assignments that are routine to semi-routine in nature requiring limited decision outside of stated processes but recognizes the need for occasional deviation from accepted practice. Has little or no role in the decision-making. Supervision - Normally receives detailed instructions and follows established procedures on all work requires instructions on all assignments. Works under close supervision. Computer Skills - Knowledge of all applicable computer programs must be able to key 8 000 keystrokes per hour Time Management Skills - Responsible for ensuring turnaround timelines are met Attention to details - Responsible for auditing and must maintain high level of accuracy 98% accuracy required Wesfarmers now (at) wesfarmers(at)



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