Experienced PandP and REO Contractors

Are you Tired of a regional company Taking the bulk of the money paid on a job Are you tired of having to beg your regional company to send you jobs to keep you busy How about you receive a bigger portion of what the nationals pay we do all the updating we pay you before the National pays us.We are a Regional Property preservation company who has direct connections with the Nationals doing P& P and REO workWe give high priority to hiring crews who have their ABC and can connect thru Aspen Grove almost an immediate hire.We performEstimates (Bidding Work on houses we have already locked up)Initial SecuresBid Approval jobsConvey Jobs R.E.O. JobsWinterizations (during Season)Grass Cuts During Season (not bi weekly) just on initial secureWe pay 21 days after the job is completed and accepted by the clientWe pay on Thursday Thru Direct Deposit into your account.We need crews to cover a 60 to 70-mile radius with some farther on occasionYou will needTruck Van or SUV and TrailerGenerator and Air CompressorBasic hand tools cleaning tools and suppliesSmart phone iPhone or AndroidBackground check thru Aspen Grove (we can help get this if needed)Valid Driver s LicenseAlso need knob locks deadbolts padlocks hasps lock boxes lumber building supplies tarps RV antifreeze etc.You can reach us thru e-mail or call or Text 972-358-0165



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