Affordable Price ICU Train Ambulance in Guwahati By Hifly ICU

Hifly ICU Ambulance Service provides emergency ICU Train Ambulance Service in Guwahati with ICU CCU and all emergency care equipment at a very low cost. We are available round the clock. We are transferring patients very fast and carefully from your location to destination point with complete medical facilities. Hifly ICU Ambulance Service arranges an emergency care Train Ambulance in Guwahati to Delhi Patna Ranchi Varanasi and Allahabad to all over Utter Pradesh. Contact us for Emergency Train Ambulance Service. Phone - 91-8448135593 91-9319024809 Mail us - info(at) Address - Dona Planet 3rd Floor Room No-313 Gs Road Guwahati- 781005



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