From 1800 to 4800 sqft Mainfloor Shopping mall on Sherbrooke St.

Commercial space Montreal Mercier for rent - 9192 Sherbrooke E. Mainfloor commercial space from 1800 to 4800 square feet available in a shopping center with prime location located on busy street Sherbrooke East. Generous parking generous fa ade and easy access. Price between 14.75 and 16.60 year sqft tx depending on amount of space needed. Call me to discuss your project Geniev Mondoux DACertified Real Estate BrokerImmobilier Himalaya Real Estate Corp.514-884-1052 www.himalayacorp.comLocal espace commercial Montr al Mercier louer - 9192 Rue Sherbrooke E. Rez-de-chauss espace commercial disponible de 1800 4800 pieds carr es disponible dans un centre commercial avec emplacement de choix situ sur la rue achalander de Sherbrooke est. Stationnement g n reux belle grande fa ade et acc s facile. Prix variable entre 14 75 et 16 60 ann e pc tx selon la superficie. Appelez-moi pour discuter de votre projet



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