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Get your hi-lighter ready A Collection Of Sermons is jammed packed with messages teachings and life lessons such as Praise is Your Weapon Perfect Knowledge and Complete Authority Something is Bound to Happen When You Pray Family Matters Greatness Developed Under Pressure The King s Watch A Woman s Heart and the Kingdom s Perspective and so much more Daughters of the King do not waver in their faith nor compromise their integrity. In this book Daughters of the King issues that plague women are addressed. The authors have expounded upon issues such as molestation guilt and shame rape trouble-makers in-laws widowhood loneliness divorce marriage adultery and even being committed to worship. This book is for the mature and the young. It is for those who have a relationship with their Father and for those who do not for there is always room for another Daughter of the King God has a purpose and a plan for your life. The Bible says that God s plan is one of good and not of evil. The challenges that come in life can sometimes overshadow us causing feelings of uncertainty. God can cause what seems to be your greatest fall to be a fall straight into your purpose . Positioned For Purpose will teach you how to position yourself to better understand God s purpose for your life. Many are the plans of a man s heart but God s purpose shall prevail. Proverbs 19 21Order your copy or give a gift to someone else of author and teacher Seketa Woods books Daughters of the King Positioned for Purpose or get a copy of A Collection of Sermons by visiting Amazon.com Barnes & Nobles or Books A Million online.



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