1.00 first Month and Use of our 16 ft Moving Truck for Free

Felling a little cluttered Need a safe convenient place to store those things you just dont use everyday Look no further STORAGE ETC. Westminster is a state-of-the-art facility with 24-hour digital surveillance cameras secure key pad access individually alarmed units and professional management. We also sell boxes locks and moving supplies to meet all your storage needs. Did we mention we have the best deals in town Please call 303-460-0077 for current specials or respond to this ad via e-mail. We are conveniently located at 8390 Church Ranch Blvd in Westminster (on Church Ranch Blvd east of Wadsworth) 5x10 (similar to a walk-in closet) Storage Space AVAILABLE from 79.00 month 10x10 (similar to a small bedroom) Storage Space AVAILABLE from 129.00 month 10x20 (similar to a one-car garage) Storage Space AVAILABLE from 219.00 month Many other sizes AVAILABLE. Call 303-460-0077 for pricing. Storage Etc. offers the following features - Free Moving Truck When You Move In - State of the art secure facility - Drive Up Units - Climate Control Units - Clean Gated Facility - All Units Individually Alarmed - 24-hour Surveillance Cameras - Wide aisles - Friendly Helpful Staff -On-Site Management - Free Use of Carts on Property - Boxes and Packing Supplies for Sale Certain restrictions apply. See Manager for details.



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