240W LED Flood Light Are Best To Save On Your Energy Bill

Still being confused for your commercial and residential lighting and looking for an energy-efficient way to illuminate your spaces Then Don t worry because LEDMyplace brings for you 240W LED Flood Light this light is specially designed to illuminate larges spaces its beam angle of 150 x 85-degree ensures the even distribution of beam all over your space without leaving a dark-spot. It is highly energy-efficient and this LED Flood Light 240W - LED Stadium Light 31200Lm can easily replace your 800W metal halide fixtures and a dimmable feature makes it more energy-efficient because you can control the illumination according to your preferences.Here are some features of 240W LED Flood Light Lumens output- 30000 Color temperature- 5700K Rebate eligible IP65 Rated -water resistance 150 x 85-Ultra wide beam angle CRI> 70 Dimmable Easy-installation Thermal- Heat-Dissipation Low maintenance cost 50 000 hours life expectancy 5-Years manufacturer warranty This LED Flood Light is made up of polycarbonate-optics which enhances the performance and durability and it is UL cUL and DLC certified which makes more reliable to use.



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