Spring Cleaning in Christchurch.

Cantab Commercial Cleaning is proud to offer a Floor Scrubbing and Polishing Service. We use the latest in equipment machinery and techniques to achieve a great shine every time. We can come to your premises strip and reseal your floors and can then come back and polish them as often as you like. Some of our clients get this done regularly while others at a time selected by them. We are proud to have been associated with many big projects around Christchurch during our rebuild phase- with some of our clients utilising these services. You are welcome to view these via our Facebook Link. It may be an office Cafeteria Dressing Rooms you name it- we have done it P (03) 338 5551M 0210 334 555E sales(at)cantabcleaning.co.nzAddress 20 Wordsworth Street 8025 Christchurch New Zealand



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