7x18 Aluminum Race Car Hauler Featherlite Car Hauler 3182-0018

7x18 Aluminum Race Car Hauler Featherlite Car Hauler 3182-0018 Stock Number 3182-0018 Additional Info FEATHERLITE TRAILERS SAFE. SECURE. SMART ALL ALUMINUM TRAILER LINE S P R I N G& nbsp S A L E 7x18& nbsp Aluminum Race Car Hauler Featherlite Car Hauler 3182-0018 The versatile smooth-towing bumper pull Model 3182 is a durable economical choice for hauling cars of all types. It features an increased fender-to-fender width giving you a wider platform for loading and hauling your vehicles. In addition it includes removable fenders and two easy-to-load ramps with in-chassis storage. Experience convenience and style when hauling your Featherlite Model 3182 Para Espanol& nbsp (760) 382-2052Standard Features GVWR 7 000 lbs Empty weight 1 400 lbs Payload capacity 5 600 lbs 7ft W x 18ft L 2 3 500 lbs rubber torsion axles with electric brakes 15 5-hole silver aluminum wheels ST205 75R15 Load Range C tires (Qty 4) Goodyear tires standard Tie down surface mounted airline tie down system Extruded aluminum floor 7 long Ramp Two multi-location aluminum ramps with in-chassis storage Removable aluminum fenders LED exterior lights 2 5 16 coupler Crank type jack with wheel Rub rail welded to stake pockets Aluminum treadplate hitch cover 3 I-beams on 16 centers 10-year limited structural warranty 1-year bumper-to-bumper warrantyIf interested please Call us at (760) 382-2052 Email us above or visit s www.alm9.com 7x18 aluminum-race-car-hauler-featherlite-car-haul er-3182-0018



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