
I am a strong and able-bodied unified custodian with 12 years experience looking for client s to do house work for...I know what I bring to the table and I know I have what it takes I m confident and I most definitely like to build trust with my clients show them respect and make them feel as comfortable as possible. I love the day to day things I do for my clients and I m driven to succeed in this economy you don t have time and money to waste on unmotivated workers. Process-oriented Ensuring a safe environment in your home. Outstanding work ethic Reliable and trustworthy Very passionate about the work I do. Clean background Great with animals 1st-3rd shifts Willing to work mornings and nights. Part-time. Willing to travel within 10 miles(extra if further) I am insured for residential and commercial businesses Professional Experience Perfect attendance Team leader Selected to train summer workers Earn top scores on evaluations by supervisors Being attentive is my number one goal. I make it a priority to fulfill my clients every wants and needs so I set my goals high and stay consistent. I stay focused with blocking out all distractions. I handle immediate issues and take care of all my responsibilities. I have no problem with accepting constructive criticism and admitting when I m wrong.



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