wood stove KOZY KOMFORT reduced

You are looking at an original full size KOZY KOMFORT KK classic wood stove in museum quality condition. Woodstoves simply do not get ANY better than this especially at this price This KK s pedestal model is not just elegant it represents the epitome of USA made fine quality wood stoves. All KK s woodstoves were thoughtfully designed and over-built like massive battleships and thus have a loyal following and a proud history of excellence. When built they were state of the art and to date are not easily replicated due to high build costs. They are eagerly sought after woodstoves and most are extremely valuable collectable and coveted by serious wood burners all over the country In short KKs represent the very best AMERICAN made wood stoves. This Kozy Komfort was built for fire and built to last generations. Note this beauty will easily produce more than 65 000 BTUs per hour will heat the largest of spaces. Measures 40 H x 25 W x 22 D [ 6.5 ash lip]. Fully firebrick [24 premium] lined graphite impregnated gasketing step-stove design twin air intake adjusting wheels fully baffled and standard 8 horizontal flue collar. Superb for heating and cooking this stove eagerly awaits 20 logs that provide those ALL NIGHT burns using the least amount of wood The sheer presence of this rare gem will look great in any setting but it will also work hard to cut your energy bills dramatically warming your home and your heart So for much less than 1 3 E-Bay starting bid prices this paragon of woodstoves is an intelligent and wise investment at just 850. Nothing out there comes remotely near this offer. Call or E-mail Paul. That s all



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