Single Phase Servo Voltage Stabilizers Manufacturers in Hyderaba

Deltek power lines are the manufacturers for Voltage stabilizers in Hyderabad and Vijayawada. Their voltage stabilizers are used to protect your residential and industrial equipment s from power fluctuations and are ranged from 1KVA 2000KVA.PRODUCT DETAILS Minimum Order Quantity 1 UnitNominal output voltage 230 VLine frequency variation 47 Hz - 53 HzControl Digital AnalogueResponse time 10 MSPhase Single-phase Single PhaseFeatures Superlative performance High durability Competitive pricesSPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage Range 180V 280V 160V 280V 140V 280VOutput Voltage Accuracy 1%Response Time 10 Ms.Voltage Correction Rate1. Air Cooled2 Oil Cooled 25V Sec.15V SecLCD Display (20 x 2 matrix) Date & Time Input Voltage Output Voltage & CurrentProgrammable Features (Through 2-parallel way resettable passwords) HV cut-o set.LV cut-o set. O L trip set. Time delay set Operating mode (auto manual).Cooling Air CooledEfficiency 97%Protection Automatic Switch-O against Under Over-Voltage Over-Load & Short Circuit Single PhasingSurge Protection Class C Type Secondary Surge Protection.



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