Fluorescent 8 ft HO tubes and ballasts

We replaced our shop lighting with LEDs and have 48 F96 T12 High Output 110w tubes and 24 ballasts. Individually 2 per tube 10 per ballast. Take all for 1 per tube 5 per ballast. Sold locally at 8 - 12 each tube 30 -40 per ballast. All working when removed many new or recently replaced. You can see them Monday through Thursday 7 30am to 6 00pm at 600 Industrial Circle White City. You ll need to pick these up in person -- too expensive to ship. Local sales only for that reason. Note that these 96-inch long tubes have an oval shaped projection with two contacts (in both ends of the tube). They don t fit fixtures that take tubes with a single pin or those which fit tubes with two wire pins sticking out on either end of the tube. These are the standard high output type (HO) matched to the high output ballasts. We used a mixture of daylight (bright bluish white) and the warm white (slightly yellow light). Most of the tubes are used although a few have not been installed and were simply spares. These last several years in typical use. We used dual-tube fixtures end to end the full length of our shop in three rows to provide what is called shadowless lighting. These are being sold as is but range from unused to having been in use for a few years. They were all working when we decided to replace them with LED type lighting. We disposted of any that were flickering or had failed. If you just want a couple for inexpensive spares or want to put in new fixtures and save a bundle on the tubes for them this is a good way to put a lot of light in a work space studio or retail store. The ballasts are not hard to find in larger electrical supply stores or on-line but generally won t be found that easily in typical home supply stores. They run anywhere from around 30 to 45 or more. Some of these are the magnetic ballasts and some are newer electronic ballasts but all of them are specific for the 110 watt high output tubes. Again if you take all that we have left the tubes are 1 each and the ballasts are 5 each. If you want less than all we have left they are 2 per tube and 10 per ballast.



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