2014 Winnebago Journey

2014 Winnebago Journey 36 ft Freightliner Maxum Chassis 360hp turbo-charged diesel engine low mileage Allison 6 speed auto transmission 8000- watt Cummins Onan diesel generator huge roller bearing storage space 100 watt solar panel 3 slides one is a full slide 4 TV s Home entertainment center fireplace residential refrigerator freezer w icemaker microwave convection oven corian countertops w sink covers big shower bathroom area 2000 watt inverter charger quick disconnects power driver passenger seat has all the bells and whistles too many things to list must see and includes an ex-tended warranty Asking 177500 For Sale By Owner in DSRT HOT SPGS CA 92240 Contact Hank at 760-671-4112 for more information.



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