Job Vacancy for Sales Manager

Job Vacancy for Sales Manager in JamnagarDesignation Sales Manager (Wire Cable)Experience 1 -2 years FresherSalary 15000 to 25000 Location Jamnagar Vapi Rajkot Surat Vadodara Delhi MumbaiEducation BE Electrical Graduate with 5-6 year Experience specially in Wire Cable In an interview your salary can be depended according to knowledge and experience JOB RESPONSIBILITY -Primary Responsibility (Critical to the function Must be done) Increase Project Sales in Jamnagar Surrounding Territory through Newly Appointed Channel partners. To develop up sell existing business and identify and pursue new business opportunities in builder segment. To search new projects Meet New consultant Contractor Architect for new inquiry. Sales Promotions activity like Builder meet contractor meet & Consultant Meet. Nuked meet on weekly basis to increase Ele Contractor Wire man data Base along with Project through Retailer Competitors pricing and their promotion strategy.( Daily via whatsapp Business Development and prospect generation for distributors. Prepare and submit performance reports as required by department branch.



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