Use Premium LED Chips Designed 240W LED UFO High Bay Lights as W

If you are running any big commercial or industrial place then you don t need to think twice for installing the high bay lights that are especially designed for the high ceiling places where the normal lights fail to deliver quality lighting results. Among various types of high bay lights you can use 240W LED UFO High Bay Lights at the places where the ceiling height ranges between 20fts-30fts.Advantages of using these 240W LED UFO High Bay Lights are as follows The lumen output of these 240W LED UFO High Bay Lights is 31231 lumens with the color temperature of 4000k these lights are the perfect replacement to the 550W MH fixture that can give you energy savings of 310W per fixture. The lifespan of these high bay lights is 50 000 hours and this premium LED light can back for more number of years. This fixture of these 240W LED UFO High Bay Lights can easily be hook-mounted or ceiling mounted on the ceiling of the warehouse and has no variable cost attached to them. Also with the dimming option you can control the brightness with dimming feature that ranges from 0V to 10V Have wider beam angle of more than 120 Degree that will illuminate the bigger and wider places. Also you can opt for motion sensor lights that come as an accessory and you can choose to have it with the UFO high bay so that you can get notified when any intruder tries to enter your property with an intention to damage it. So install these DLC approved 240W LED UFO High Bay Lights that are eligible for rebate thus reducing the overall cost of these eco-friendly lights to a much greater extent.



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