Make Your Homes More Beautiful by Installing T8 4ft 20W LED Tube

LEDMyplace offers you the best possible way to replace your old fluorescent tube lights without changing your ballast fixtures Ballast Compatible T8 4ft 20W LED Tube this tube can be retrofit in your existing ballast fixture. And this 20W LED Tube can replace your 50-watt fluorescent fixture brings you the energy saving of 30 watts. This Ballast Compatible T8 4ft 20W LED Tube offers you approx 3000 lumens output with the beam angle of 120-degree which makes even distribution of lights at your place. Having a DLC certification makes these light eligible for the rebate as well. Here are some advantages of using Ballast Compatible T8 4ft 20W LED Tube Ballast-Compatible Flicker-Free Rebate-eligible Low Maintenance Cost 50 000 hours life expectancy CRI> 80 Wide Beam Angle - 120-degree Inbuilt-aluminum-Heat-Sink 5-Years manufacturer warranty 30-days return policy Free-Shipping On 99 So what you are waiting to make a change and add some extra cash to your pocket contact us on (888-972-6211).For More Information Please Visit This Site products ballast-compatible-t8-4ft-22w-2row-led-tube-3 000-lumens-6500k-clear-cover



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