Water Softener for Industrial purpose

Industrial Alkara Water Conditioner Alkara Soft Water Conditioner prevents scale formation and corrosion in pipes tanks boilers coolant towers. Removes successfully existing scale in pipes and plumbing fixtures. Protects steam boilers and heaters from scale formation and improves efficiency and reduces electricity bills maintenance charges and service bills. Keeps cooling towers piping and condensers clean thereby saves time electricity and maintenance costs. Maintains low bacteria levels by eliminating biofilm. Improves the longevity and performance of your equipment and Reduces energy costs. Air conditioners can clean easily increases cooling pad life & pump. Reduces water slime reduce your carbon footprint.Alkara..Low cost Eco Friendly No electricity No water wastage No salts no harmful chemicals No maintenance requiredUnlimited water easy to install Note Price depends on the pipe size For Further details -Please Visit www.alkara.inContact 09399936356



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