HUGE GARAGE SALE 12728 Washburn Rd. Hiram OH 44234 330.569.4292August 1 2 3 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.NOTE If the dates and times listed are not convenient call us and we will arrange to have you come at a time that suits your schedule.Many Items are brand new Other items are gently used and all are in great condition Women s PLUS SIZE Clothing sizes 1X to 7X We have hundreds hanging up and 5 more large barrel type containers full Tops Pants Skirts mostly new only 3 each Gently Used 2 each. Leather Jackets Brand New 50 each Bra s New 5 each Long Night Gowns Used 2 each Shoes & Sandals New 5 each Winter Boots New 10 each Slippers New 3 each. Purses & Wallets new and used. White Coach Purse gorgeous used just 60 Costume Jewelry. Furniture Dresser 35 TV Stand 5 each Chairs 15- 35 Stools 5 - 15.Tools Mens Hand Tools .50 and up Power Tools 5 and up. John Deere Snow Blower 100 Catalytic Converter set of 2 for 1998 Nissan Pathfinder 275 New in Boxes Floor Jack 40 battery chargers 5 and up. Shoes Work Jacket Coveralls all new Priced to go Lawn Tools Used 2 each. 4 Chrome Mag Wheels for 2006 Nissan Pathfinder 75.Household & Miscellaneous Dishes small appliances pots & pans d cor items student Flute Used 50 keyboard brand new 25. Linen blankets sheet sets many new and used. Holiday D cor. Office Supplies. Electronics many new including Keyboards computer hardware. Crafts 100 s of iron on appliques including letters and numbers - .75 each Stickers for crafting scrapping and card making .75 each Flannel make a Blanket Kits new 5 each great craft for gift giving Silk Flowers Scrapbooks new.Vintage Antique Hall Chair Round Marble Table S Shaped Coffee Table Marble 300 each So much more to see Free Items Older dressers need refinished paints lubricants car care items and more



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