Diesal mechanic

SVR Power are hiring Diesel Mechanic New ZealandThe diesel mechanic will carry out repairs and maintenance of a wide range of trucks trailers and heavy transport equipment.Duties Repairs and maintenance of trucks trailers and heavy transport equipment Servicing of trucks and trailers Completing job cards and paperwork accurately and clearly Completing training under franchise agreements e.g. Scania IvecoAre you interested in working in this beautiful country Are you willing to take a leap across the world For this opportunity who wouldn t be What are you waiting for Contact us now Email lydia(at)svrpower.co.uk Call 44(0)1229 343791 Text 44(0)7547 979921 or 44(0)7842 773077Follow us on Snapchat svrpower2018 Instagram SVR Power Limited Like our Facebook Page SVR Power Limited



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