Tedious and Tidy cleaning

Whether you need weekly bi-weekly monthly or one-time cleaning service it s time to discover me. Your home or office will be cleaned to your highest expectations by committed professionals. Sale or Rent your home fast let your buyers or rental walk into a fresh scent clean empty home. Don t Let your land lord keep your deposit let us clean your home apartment condo townhouses etc. up for you. We will help you get your deposit back.We Clean Foreclosure properties Real Estate Apartment turnkey Residential - Move-In Move-out Commercial properties Move-in Move-out Investment properties. We help rentals get there deposit back. We help home owners prepare there home to sale or rent. We help home owners or condo owners investors make ready there home for new tenants. A lot of our real estate agents gives there new home owners the gift of a clean home. Do you have a office or warehouse that need cleaning before you move in or out we also clean those . KitchenBaseboards dusted and wiped down Clean refrigerator inside and outside Clean oven Inside and outside Sinks cleaned and sanitized All chrome shined Countertops and backsplash cleaned and sanitized Clean inside and outside cabinets and drawers All Floors damped mopped Remove all Cobwebs Clean window sills BathroomClean all window sills Baseboards dusted and wiped down Mirrors cleaned and shined Sinks cleaned and sanitized Counter tops cleaned and sanitized Floors damp mop and disinfected Shine all chrome Clean inside of cabinets Clean outside of cabinets Clean inside of all drawers Clean outside of all drawers All tubs clean and sanatized Bedrooms Wipe window sills Dust Ceiling fans Remove Cobwebs Sweep floors Vacuum floors Damp mop floors Remove trash Deodorize rooms Dust Baseboards All Other Rooms Wipe window sills Dust Ceiling fans Dust Baseboards Remove Cobwebs Sweep floors Vacuum floors Damp mop floors Remove trash Deodorize rooms ExtrasWindows Cleaned (Inside Only) Garage SweptBack Porch SweptFront Porch SweptGive us a call We provide free estimates on the phone or in person. We prefer to come to your home so that we can provide you with an accurate estimate but certainly feel free to place a phone call if you are looking for a ballpark estimate. We are flexible with our meeting time and we will easily be able to accommodate your schedule. We accept cash or check.Working Hard Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Imagine a cool spring breeze caressing your skin the fresh scent of linen hanging on the line to dry. Let your imagination take you to the most peaceful place in your soul. Now open your eyes. The escape you have been waiting for is here. We do our best to make your house feel more like home. We make it our job to bring a smile to your face with the simple pleasure of coming home to relax not work. We make it our first priority to provide premium quality cleaning services at affordable prices. You deserve to come home to a clean fresh home.All of our cleaning products are chosen to minimize the impact on all humans and pets living in your house. We stay green and environmentally sound by reducing our waste recycling what we can and using green cleaning products hence leaving far less residue behind.House Cleaning ServicesA spotless home freedom from housework and more time the perfect combination for people who want to live better.-BASIC CLEANING-MOVE IN MOVE OUT CLEANING -OFFICE CLEANING-BEFORE AFTER PARTY CLEANING-MOST AREAS- 7 DAYS A WEEK 24-7 EMERGENCY CLEANING -PROVIDE OUR OWN CLEANING SUPPLIES-PET FRIENDLY WE BRING TREATS -YEARS OF EXPERIENCE-TRUSTWORTHY -MONEY BACK GUARANTEED IF NOT SATISFIEDCONTACT US (757) 373-8906



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