In-Home Caregiver (Nanny)

In-Home Caregiver (Nanny) for Edith Orense Woodbridge ON L4H 1Z5Vacancies 1 Vacancy Salary 14.00 Hour for 35 Hours Week Start date As soon as possible Terms of employment Permanent Full-time Employment groups Indigenous peoples Newcomers to CanadaChildren s Ages 5 years Work Location Work in employer s client s home Transportation Willing to travel Travel expenses paid by employerDuties Maintain a safe and healthy environment in the home Take children to and from school and to appointments Discipline children according to the methods requested by the parents Keep records of daily activities and health information regarding children Instruct children in personal hygiene and social development Organize activities such as games and outings for children Prepare and serve nutritious meals Supervise and care for children Tend to emotional well-being of childrenEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificate Languages English Experience 1 to less than 7 monthsHow to apply By e-mail edith.orense(at) By fax 905-605-2289



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