Install 150W LED Pole Lights To Enhance The Outdoor Safety

The outdoor places require the most effective and bright lights since these places are used by more number of people to reach their destination. Many times while driving on those roads where the visibility is much less the drivers find it difficult to drive safely which results in major accidents as well.So make sure that you are using bright and powerful LED pole lights to ease the traveling install 150W LED Pole Lights to lighten the outdoor places in the best possible way and that too with most savings.Benefits of installing 150W LED Pole Lights are as follows You can easily install these electrician friendly 150W LED Pole Lights with an option to install them in many different ways. Use these lights immediately after turning them on without any waiting time. Once installed these lights can work for more than 50 000 hours with very low time-luminosity decay Especially designed Heat-sink offer excellent heat dissipation and will keep the tubes cooler while using them for continuous longer period of time as well. The lumen output of these 150W LED pole lights is 21 000 lumens and it can be replaced with 300W of MH or other traditional lights. Make at least 80% power savings while using these lights against metal halide lights. Comes with DLC approval in addition to 5 years of manufacturer warranty as well. LEDMyplace offers one of the best mounting options available in the Pole Lights that can reduce the installation costs along with providing hassle-free and easy self-installing lights. These 150W LED pole lights will provide maximum lighting with the best possible luminaire efficiency.



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