Major ART and Multi Family Garage Sale

Local artist is hosting a HUGE ART SALE & Multi Family Garage Sale. Signed PICASSO dictograph (minor damage) 2 signed Elsie Gerald paintings from 1986 (before she became published poet) 25-30 paintings by Jack L Coyle collections & collectibles prints (Rockwell etc.) approx 100 art magazines & books and too many other various items to list. Coyle s paintings have been displayed & sold ( 250-2 500) in galleries in both the Paseo & Plaza Arts Districts. Besides all the art TOOLS FURNITURE PLANTS ANTIQUES. There s a 5 Grandfather Clock and 4 antique wall clocks. Rockwell Terrace Apartments (Rockwell & Melrose must enter frrom Melrose) in the central plaza. This is a perfect sale for rt collectors or anyone that likes art & Interior Designers or just anyone seeking unique items. All sales CASH.



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