LED Solar Lights. 136 LED Outdoor PIR Motion Sensor Solar Lamp

Free DEMO in-store. Seeing is believing. 136 LED Solar Light - NOW SHIPPING from our Brampton store. Outdoor Motion Sensor Light. At night darkness when motion detected in a range of 120 and distance of 5-10meter the motion light will light up automatically and last for about 30s. 3 lighting Modes Sensor Dim and All-Lighting. SOLAR POWERED.X power solar wall lights with bigger 2.5W solar panel can convert up to 17% of sunlight to electricity. 136 super-bright LEDs in 4 sides comes with rechargeable double lithium battery (4400mAh) fully charged after exposure to sunlight at least 4 hours... Waterproof Durable Outdoor Light. Made of high-strength ABS seal design with silicone cover on switch on the back. IP65 waterproof dustproof heatproof and frost proof The motion & light sensor function is perfect for garage driveway pathway garden patio fence yard step and etc.www.bramptonsolar.com



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