Licensed Child Care in Moore

I am a DHS licensed home based daycare in Moore right next to Heritage Trails Elementary School and currently have four openings for ages 2 and up starting around July 15th We have preschool and kindergarten readiness materials music arts and crafts free play reading outdoor play and lots of fun I believe daycare should be a place where your child feels at home and is offered the same opportunities for development as you the parent or guardian would provide.I am CPR and First Aid Certified as well as Certified in Safe Sleep Training. Our home has a Tornado shelter in the garage and we are right next door to an elementary school that allows me to use their location in case of an emergency.Drop-In Care is also available. If your child attends Heritage Trails Elementary I am happy to offer before and after school care for them as well. Call or text for more information 405-219-6578 or email LAUNCHDaycare(at)



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