Restaurant Manager

Ginza Japanese Restaurant is looking for a full-time Restaurant manager at the restaurant. If you are interested please submit your resume by e-mail. Duties and Responsibilities - Plan organize direct control and evaluate the operations of the restaurant food and beverage service- Determine menu and services to be offered- Recruit staff and oversee staff training- Prepare staff work schedules and observe staff performance- Control inventory monitor revenues and modify procedures and prices- Participate in marketing plans special promotion and implementation- Resolve customer complaints and provide customer service- Ensure health and safety regulations are followed- Negotiate arrangements with suppliers for food and other supplies- Develop implement and analyze budgets Education skills and experience required -Completion of high school-3 years or more experience in food preparation and or food service.-Some supervisory experience in a restaurant-Strong interpersonal skill.-Numeracy and problem solving skills.-Japanese or international food knowledge is an asset --------------------------------------------- ---------------------Language Communication skills in English Compensation 22 to 24 hour 35 40hours week 10 days paid vacation Apply by Email ginzasushipenticton74(at)



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