Farmington Hills Office Space for Lease

Bond Street Offices31600 - 31700 W. 13 Mile RoadFarmington Hills MI 48334 Private 2 to 3 Office Suites from 1 295.00 per Month - Immediate Occupancy 14 95 rsf Suite Electric GrossAvailable suites 1 188 to 2 885 rsfExcellent easy-access location on the north side of 13 Mile Road approximately 1 8 mile west of Orchard Lake Road and 1 mile north of I696Abundant parking On-site Management Cable ready for high-speed internet or fiber optic access Five nights per week janitorial service Building security system with 24 7 access card Represented by Ed WebermanWeberman Equities LLC31600 W. 13 Mile Road Suite 128Farmington Hills MI 48334Tel 248-932-5800 Fax 248-932-6387E-mail webermanequities(at)



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