Flower Pots and Containers

Are you tired of buying containers that only last one year due to them being brittle after the winter and also the color doesn t last. Check these out. These containers are made from marine grade High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). They were engineered for direct exposure to rain snow and extreme temperatures hot or cold. These containers will not split fade crack or chalk. Sun safe These containers have ultraviolet inhibitors that act like built-in sunscreen. The UV inhibitors will prevent the containers from fading or becoming chalky like PVC. Solid color The color is solid through because the material is solid HDPE. It is one homogenous material all the way through. This is not a laminate or an applied finish so there is nothing that can peel or delaminate. Even if the material were to become scratched the same color would show. There is no maintenance required to keep your containers looking like new. You can realistically expect the finish to maintain the factory-new look for years and years with no sign of changing color or fading. No mold Mold or anything else that might grow on containers will not happen with these you can check the ones I ve had outside for years they still look the same as when I got them Pricing color and sizes Most of them are a light blue. 13 inch wide container by 11 to 12 inches high - 3 If you would like one with a more decorative bottom with handles on the sides for easy carrying and moving around - 4 15 inch wide container by 12 inches high - 5 If you would like one with a more decorative bottom with handles on the sides for easy carrying and moving around - 6 16 and a half inch wide by 13 inches high - 6.50 If you would like one with a more decorative bottom with handles on the sides for easy carrying and moving around - 7.50 I have about 30 containers available at the moment but will get more over time. Let me know what day you would like to stop by and get some. Also if you would like full lockrim barrels for bird seed storage let me know. Keeps the moths out as well as other critters Containers 10 to 13 depending on size



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