Mechanical Fitter

MECHANICAL FITTER - NEEDED - NEW ZEALANDWe have an exciting opportunity available working for a well-known progressive engineering company.If you are reading this you are most likely looking for a change Looking to grow and develop within an organisation Wanting to work for a company where your input makes a difference. Maybe you are wanting to work for a Manager who can honestly say yes been there done that and that can walk the walk and talk to the talk.Above that you are probably wanting to work for a company that does not have old equipment which breaks down (constantly) and is not afraid of investing in the plant and its people.IF YOU ARE STILL READING THIS I HAVE GOT YOU ATTENTION What am I looking for -- Someone that has a strong background within a manufacturing or production environment. - A minimum of 3-5 years experience as a fully-qualified fitter. - Understands the importance of scheduled and preventative maintenance. - A good understanding of lean manufacturing. - Must be able to read mechanical schematics. - Have excellent communication skills. - Someone that is very H& S focused.What is in it for you Rewarded fairly (above market rates) Flight paid for Relocation package Work in a great team The opportunity to work with some of the world s most advanced technology (of it s kind) A company that has great progressionYES... YOU NEED TO CALL NOW EMAIL lydia(at) CALL 44(0)1229 343791 or 44(0)1229 480232 TEXT 44(0)7547 979921 or 44(0)7842 773077Follow us on Snapchat svrpower2018 Instagram SVR Power Limited Like our Facebook Page SVR Power Limited



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