Duplex Steel Pipe Fittings

duplex steel pipe fittingsDuplex Steel 2205 Pipe Fittings ASTM A 815 Duplex UNS S31803 Pipe Elbow Exporter DIN 1.4462 Duplex Steel Long Short Radius Elbow ManufacturersMicron Steel & Tubes is counted as one of the privileged manufacturers trader exporters and supplier of an admirable range of Duplex Steel Pipe Fittings. We offer the same in different types such as Duplex Steel Elbow Duplex Steel Tees Duplex Steel Reducer Duplex Steel Cross Duplex Steel Stub Bends and Duplex Steel End Caps. These Duplex Steel UNS S31803 Butt Weld Pipe Fittings is austenitic-ferritic stainless steel which has higher corrosion resistance and soaring potency.DUPLEX STEEL PIPE FITTINGS SPECIFICATIONS Specifications ASTM A 815 ASME SA 815 Dimensions ANSI ASME B16.9 B16.28 MSS-SP-43. Size 1 2 NB to 24 NB in Sch 10s 40s 80s 160s XXS. Schedule Sch.100 to Sch.80s Grade UNS No. S31803 S32205 Type Seamless Welded Fabricated.MICRON STEEL & TUBES Phone 022 67439119 Email info(at)micronsteel.com Visit Our site www.micronsteel.com



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