Forklift Operator - Mossville IL (all shifts)

The Fork Truck Operator is responsible for operating a Fork Truck to move locate relocate stack and count material. The Operator is accountable for the safe and efficient operation of the vehicle. The Operator will provide additional support as needed throughout the facility. Looking for at least 1-3 years forklift experience. Testing is required to be considered for the position. Please contact the Kelly Services office in Peoria IL 309-679-0681 to start application and online testing. A tour and interview is required for consideration. Please have a resume for immediate consideration (It does help expedite the hiring process). There is a 6-month probationary period (temp-to-perm) probationary period. We look at that as a NO MISS time-period. Once the probationary period is successfully met conversion to full time employment with a potential for increase. After 30 days of full-time employment the employee will be eligible for a comprehensive benefits package. We are looking for people who will BE HERE EVERY DAY and BE ON TIME EVERY DAY. Call 309-679-0681 for more information about this opportunity. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES -Unloading and loading of trailers (material and empty containers) -Unloading and loading material onto conveyors and platforms Movement of material within facility or other designated locations -Driver shall comply with all safety regulations for proper Fork Truck use Comply with ISO Quality Policy Quality Objectives Procedures and Work Instructions as they relate to your duties and responsibilities. -Obtain certification for all power industrial trucks driven Other duties as assigned QUALIFICATIONS Education and or Experience - Fork truck certification - General RF device training capabilities for movement of material - Accuracy - Knowledge of process flow maps for material movement in the facility - Follow forklift and general safety guidelines - Stand-up fork truck certification experience required - Shuttle (Jockey Spotter) certification Physical Demands - Must be able to lift 35 pounds WORK ENVIRONMENT Able to function in a shop environment. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Must be eligible to be on caterpillar property (Mossville cat building cc) - Multiple different positions on multiple different shifts. Please send resume and reference the fork lift material handler position available.



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