Plastic packing boxes for moving in Sydney by Koala Box

The Koala Box is ideal for storing rolls of gift wrap. Rent plastic moving boxes Sydney by Koala Box are designed to fit perfectly on standard 12 and 16 depth closet shelves. Designed and molded to our exacting specifications our Koala Box are made from clear unbreakable polypropylene to provide uncompromised visibility of the contents. Store everything from garments to linens to shoes while keeping them safe from pests and dust with Koala boxes. The entire Koala Box collection is modular to stack securely and makes the most efficient use of your closet space. Each Koala Box features an easy-open locking lid. Call us and help us serve you better. You can dial our number and place the order. We are there to hear from you. Have our best services.Contact us Email admin(at) 0468 548 164



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