Silver Creek Estate Sale Online Auction - Ridgeview Drive Southe

WHAT IS IN THIS AUCTION This online auction features collectibles such as Coca-Cola silver plate items and fine china art such as framed paintings framed prints and porcelain furniture such as marble top tables Victorian upholstered chairs Duncan Phyfe style sofa and entertainment centre small appliances LPs area rugs table lamps crystal stemware cement planters yard tools Jeep wheels books Samsonite luggage hand tools and much more HOW TO ACCESS THE AUCTION Simply s auction 17478 utm_source utm_medium post& utm_campaign SilverCreek-RidgeviewDriveSoutheastTO BID PLEASE REGISTER Copy and paste this link to your browsers register WHEN DOES THE AUCTION CLOSE Everything will SELL BY Wednesday July 31 2019 8 00 PM regardless of price.Bidding starts at 1. This is an online auction. We do not sell or ship privately.For more information please visit s terms-and-conditions



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