Glowing Movie Lamp

Movie Accent lamp 7inch LED Battery Operated. Condition is New. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.Unique one of a kind movie lamps made and sold to order. Three different sizes. 7 9 11 . Buy one or buy all three or any combination you want. They come with LED lighting to last and your choice of battery or plug in power. Check my other listings for all sizes and variations.Each lamp is made with genuine movie theater 35mm film and can be made to order. Message me after you place the order and let me know from the available list which film you want me to use. If the film you want isnt available message me and I will try to accommodate your request.Current titles HellboyAmityville (1 2 and remake)Alien 3Alien Resurrection Gangs of New YorkTransformersNo ReservationsLOTR Fellowship of the RingLOTR Return of the RingThe JerkThe IslandAlwaysJagged EdgePrince of the CityThe Witches of EastwickThe Hunt for Red OctoberDelico IIIBurglarLike Father Like SonHP and Order of The PheonixHP and Goblet of FireCaddyshackCoralineFast and furiousExorcistGladiatorCheck it out at Etsy. Search negativeshadestore or glowing movie lamp



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