Install The Best (100W LED Flood Light) For the Outdoor Places

LEDMyplace offers you the best industrial lighting fixture the 100W LED Flood Light. Design to provide a high lumens intensity at a very low wattage consumption. In comparison to metal-halide fixtures these floodlights having a 50 000 hours long operational life. This 100W LED Flood Light Fixture is available in the knuckle and yoke mount makes the installation easy and time-saving. Also having a wide beam angle ensures the even distribution of beam angle all over the surroundings. Here are some features of 100W LED Flood Light Highly Energy-Saving Fixture Easy installation 5700K Color Temperature High Lumens Output Rugged Construction Thermal Heat Dissipation Completely Weatherproof Broad Beam Angle Low-Cost Maintenance Vibration Test Pass UL & DLC Approved Order now on (437-800-1071) and avail exciting offers Or visit our official website



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