"Wholesale" New Sectional wConsole Recliner

Y-6743Brand new in Box w 100% Manufacturer WarrantyPresent a living space that s both practical and stylish. With seating for up to six people this ultra plush reclining set is upholstered in smooth bonded leather with three-tiered pillow style back supports and wide seating. Each arm rest is trimmed in silver studs and it also includes a console storage compartment with cup holders. Available in black and brown.Laf arm Loveseat w one recliner & console 66 x39 x39 H Corner Wedge........................................ ..12 -59 x39 x39 H Raf arm Loveseat w one recliner................ 53 x39 x39 HSolid Wood Frame Bonded Leather Metal Reclining MechanismRetail 1 839.99......Wholesale 799.99PLEASE CALL 760-543-4805 ( Se Habla Espanol )...If line is busy please leave a message or text. Thank you Lefferman s Furniture



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